Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to Wire up Travis-CI to your JS Projects

For the past six months, AGRC has been using Travis CI to automatically test and lint our projects each time we push a commit to the associated GitHub repository. Even though we run these tasks locally it's been helpful to have them run on Travis for when we miss things. It's also a major step towards automated deployments as well as running our tests via something like Sauce Labs or Browser Stack.


The set up is relatively simple. The first step is to sign into travis-ci-.org with your GitHub account. Once you're signed in you can go to your accounts page and see all of the GitHub repositories associated with your account. Switching a repository to "ON" tells Travis-CI to start watching any new commits that you push to that repository.
accounts page


The next step is to let Travis-CI know what you want it to do. The first part of this step is accomplished by creating a .travis.yml file at the root of your project. Here's an example from one of our projects:
language: node_js
  - '0.10'
  - npm install -g grunt-cli
  - npm install -g bower
  - npm install
  - bower install
    on_success: never
The lines below before_install load all of the project dependencies via npm & Bower. The notifications code just tells Travis to only send us emails when a build fails.


The second part to defining what you want Travis-CI to do is to add a scripts property to the your package.json file for your project. Travis-CI automatically runs npm test for NodeJS projects. Adding this new property to package.json defines this command. We use a special travis GruntJS task to run tasks so this is the command for us:
"scripts": {
    "test": "grunt travis -v"
The travis grunt task can contain any sub-tasks that you want. Here's what ours looks like:
grunt.registerTask('travis', [

Build Status Badge

The icing on the cake is to copy code from Travis-CI to your app's README.md to show a "build:passing" or "build:failing" (gasp!) badge. You can do this by going to your project's page on travis-ci.org and clicking on the badge in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

GitHub.com Integration

After getting everything wired up you'll notice that pull requests automatically display the build status of each commit and will let you know if it is still waiting on a build to run.
still waiting
still waiting
good to go
good to go
If you want to see all of this in action you can checkout the AGRCJavaScriptProjectBoilerPlate repository.

Monday, September 22, 2014

grunt-esri-slurp - Make Your Own ESRI JS Package

I recently contributed to a blog post about a great tool for scraping ESRI's AMD build of their JS API. If you are interested in doing your own builds with the Dojo Build System and ESRI's JS API, you should definitely check it out.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Demystifying the Dojo Build System - 2014 Dev Summit Presentation

The ESRI Dev Summit this year was awesome as usual. This was my third year and it keeps getting better and better for me. I love being able to have direct access to ESRI developers and rubbing shoulders with amazing developers working on the same problems that I am. And the plenary this year was really great.

I was privileged to present again this year. My submission title was Demystifying the Dojo Build System. Here's the abstract:
If you are not using some sort of build system for your JavaScript apps, then you are missing out on some huge performance gains. Concatenation, minification, and interning strings will almost certainly shave seconds off of your page load times.The Dojo Build System is a program that can apply these types of "deployment optimizations" to your source code. However, it can be a steep learning curve and throwing the ArcGIS API for JavaScript into the mix only complicates the situation. This presentation will untangle the build system and give you a solid overview of all of the moving parts. We will explore real world examples of how the Utah AGRC uses this system in our web applications and how it can be applied to your applications as well.
It obviously struck a cord because the room was packed. My presentation ended up turning out well and I got some great feedback. I think that there are a lot of people interested in building their applications but the Dojo Build System can be intimidating (see my first slide below).

I was concerned that it would be overshadowed or rendered irrelevant by the new web optimizer that ESRI is releasing shortly and previewed at the conference. However, this was not the case. The web optimizer looks awesome and will be a huge help for a lot of people but there will always be those that want to keep the build process local and want total control over it. Hopefully my presentation will save these people some head aches.

Here's some resources from my presentation:

Summary Sheet
Example Projects



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Favorite Sublime Text 3 Plugins & Configs

I'm a huge fan of Sublime Text 3. I love it's simplicity and strong package community. Here's a list of my favorite packages and config tweaks:


Package Control - This enables you to easily search for and install packages. This is always the first thing that I do with a new install of Sublime.
AdvancedNewFile - Best way to create new files.
Auto Semi-colon - Add a semi-colon to the end of a line even if your cursor isn't at the end of the line.
All Autocomplete - Adds autocomplete for words found in all open files. Works well as a supplement to SublimeCodeIntel
Emmet - Awesome shorthand for creating HTML markup. As an added bonus it forces you to learn to write CSS selectors better.
GitGutter - See which lines have been changed since your last commit.
Markdown Preview - Allows your to preview markdown docs in your browser.
TrailingSpaces - Kill all trailing spaces in the current file.
Sublime Code Intel - Auto complete awesomeness
Sublime Linter - Lints all sorts of languages. I use it to auto-run jsHint on my files. So useful to see lint errors as I'm coding.
Sublime-text-git - Have to manually clone and checkout python3 branch to get this to work in sublime text 3. It's a bit of a pain but worth it.


Font: Source Code Pro


Notice that Vintage does not show up in my ignored_packages and I even have it default to start in vintage command mode. I made this switch about a year ago and have never looked back. I really feel like I am more efficient getting around and editing code.

I've had a few people ask me about my Sublime setup and wanted to get it out there. Any cool stuff that I'm missing?