Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ArcPy.Mapping Module Makes Complex PDF Creation Easy

Recently, I was presented with a problem that was a perfect opportunity for trying out ESRI's ArcPy Python site package. We have a series of map documents that are set up with Data Driven Pages to export various maps for each of the counties of Utah. Each mxd had a different theme. The goal was to develop a script that would export all of the Data Driven Pages for each mxd and then combine them by county. After a few hours of work I had 72 lines of code that did just that. Here's what I came up with:

I used only two modules for this script: arcpy.mapping and os (great for working with the file system).
# import modules import arcpy.mapping, os # variables baseFolder = os.getcwd() # current working directory outputFolder = baseFolder + r'\PDFs'

The os module was great for deleting the old files and getting a list of the map documents.
# clear out old pdfs print '\nDeleting old PDFs...' oldPDFs = os.listdir(outputFolder) for f in oldPDFs: os.remove(outputFolder + '\\' + f) # get list of all files in the folder print '\nGetting list of mxds...' allItems = os.listdir(baseFolder) # filter out just .mxd's mxdFileNames = [(x) for x in allItems if x.endswith('.mxd')] mxdFileNames.sort()

The DataDrivenPages class was the key class in the ArcPy.Mapping module for this script. It is obtained through the MapDocument class. Here I start to loop through the mxd's and get a reference to the DataDrivenPages object that I am interested in.
# loop through mxds for name in mxdFileNames: print '\nProcessing: ' + name # get mxd mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(baseFolder + '\\' + name) # get datadrivenpages object ddp = mxd.dataDrivenPages

Once I've got the DataDrivenPages object, then I start to loop through all of the pages.
# loop through pages pg = 1 while pg <= ddp.pageCount: # change current page ddp.currentPageID = pg # get name of current page name = ddp.pageRow.getValue('NAME') print name

Before I export the page, I check to see if there is already an existing pdf for that particular county. If there is I export the page to a temp PDF file and then use the PDFDocument::appendPages() function to add it to the existing PDF. If not, then I just export it out to a new PDF.
# check to see if there is already a pdf file created for this county pdfFile = outputFolder + '\\' + name + '.pdf' if os.path.exists(pdfFile): print 'Existing pdf found. Appending...' # open PDF document pdf = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentOpen(pdfFile) # output to temporary file tempFile = outputFolder + '\\temp.pdf' ddp.exportToPDF(tempFile, 'CURRENT') # append to existing file pdf.appendPages(tempFile) # delete temp file os.remove(tempFile) # clean up variables del pdf else: # file does not exist, export to new file print 'No existing pdf found. Exporting to new pdf.' ddp.exportToPDF(pdfFile, 'CURRENT') # increment page number pg = pg + 1

Then, all that's left if a little clean up.
# clean up variables del mxd, ddp raw_input('Done. Press any key to exit...')

And that's it! Here's the entire script and an example output pdf.

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